Jackhammering through the old cistern wall.
Scott's standing on a chair, where he must have felt he could safely suggest that I stand under the jackhammer and help support its weight with my head. "Just the right height," he figured.
Everett's class is going on a field trip from tomorrow till Saturday, and Scott is going along as a driver. The blackfooted ferret, once thought extinct, has been raised in captivity and schoolchildren are off to witness them being released on Friday morning back into the wilds at Grasslands National Park down in southeastern Saskatchewan.
Preparations are under way. Scott is doing his laundry and has gone to town to wash the van and pick up molasses (so I can make a couple dozen chocolate chip banana bran muffins to send along for their cold breakfasts) and whatever else he wants to eat. We're not quite sure what kind of cooking facilities there are; we imagine Scott can cook a sausage over a fire, and that Everett will eat bagels with cheese.
Emil will be sure to say that he's happy he gets to spend a couple days alone with me.
Na na na na na, I'm his favourite mother ....