Friday, October 2, 2015

Four Days Lay Before Me, Whatever Shall I Do

Theresa, have you received Saskatchewan's beautiful fall days? Because they've been pushed out by something cold and nasty. I hope they made it to you in Montreal.

We drove cross-country between here and Nut Mountain last night, and there were dozens of sets of headlights to be seen in the fields around. All that activity at night ... The race is on, full throttle.

Rain is forecast for this weekend, but it feels like snow to me. As soon as I got home tonight I jacked the furnace up to 72F.

Picking Emil up after work, I insisted he wear a winter jacket and leave the summer one in the closet. He wasn't happy about it, but Wise Ones Take the Advice of Mothers.

"Are you glad I'm here, Mom?" he has asked me several times since we arrived. "I bet you're looking forward to spending the weekend with me."

What can I say. Of course. It'll be short and sweet though because his household is going to a Tim Hus concert in Kelvington on Sunday and he has to be back in town early to catch his ride.

He always asks if I've missed him and I say no, and he says he hasn't missed me either. It's always the exact same words, same sentence.

He has kissed me on the cheek several times and patted my hand. I think he missed me. And it is nice to be in the company of someone who has missed you.