Monday, November 15, 2010

What -- No Photo?

I can hardly believe this myself. I had a two-year-old here today and forgot to get my camera out. We could have had photos of curly cuddly sweetness! Alas, old Auntie Kathy hasn't got much of a memory anymore. Tsk.
I had forgotten how "busy" two-year-olds are, too. I was telling her mother that I don't remember having to worry too much about my boys getting into things when they were toddlers. A hem. Well of course not ... our house was childproofed then, 16 years ago.
And Cindy, you know that rubber plant Gwyn was reefing on? It looks like she straightened it out! It looks good!
It's past 11; I've been on the phone with my friend Luanne for an hour-and-a-half, and am going to climb into bed and read a while.
You could always look on the left at Everett's page, "Stupid Crap," where he recommends some silliness he's discovered on the web.