Wooden glasses. Picked up at a garage sale.
Life at Golden Grain Farm is mentioned on the Words of Wisdom webpage (thank you kindly, folks) and I’ve been asked to link to three entries that I consider my best. Heh! Easier said than done, as my entries don’t adhere to themes nor are they given much more thought than what it takes to dash ‘em off and be done with 'em. For readers visiting this page for the first time, I’ve simply chosen three entries that might give a taste of what you’ll find here and that didn't require me to read too far back:
•Sneaky Bugger, in which my sweetheart pulls a fast one.
•The Corn is as High as an Elephant’s Eye, in which, in spite of loss and change, life seems pretty good.
•White Knucklin’, in which I take a drive with Everett, age 17, and offer a glimpse of son Emil, age 21.