This has meant quite often passing things by that I would formerly have purchased. I skip some of the shopping/browsing I might normally have done. Instead of having/doing whatever I want right now and to hell with the size of the bill in a couple weeks, I wait till the next budgeted cash infusion. It's been an education, as I believed I'd always been at least a little bit frugal. I could and did pay off my credit card bill every month, but it was always a shock to my system to see the amount due. Small purchases really add up.
Anyway ... I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it ... the reason I started talking about this ... is that one of the reasons a handy credit card got to be a habit was that any time you ran out of cash, you had credit. Right? And now I don't have that convenience because my card is not with me. So yesterday morning I had no money but grabbed $25 of Scott's off the kitchen table before leaving for work and left him a note: "I'll pick up some beer." He's been in the field, cultivating I believe, for several long days and doesn't get into town so I thought he'd appreciate the gesture.
And what do you think happened at the liquor board store? Yep. With one customer ahead of me and one in line behind, it occurred to me to wonder whether the box of beer in my hand might cost more than $25. I've never paid attention before; just grab what I want, tender the card, and bob's yer uncle. Who cares? I want it, I buy it. But this time, I was chagrined to be told at the counter that the beer would be more than $32.
And this is the beauty of where I live: the guy next to me started fishing in his wallet, and so did a clerk. They'd lend me whatever I needed, they said.
Yeah, yeah: they know where I live. But still ... it was just so very ... I don't know ... civilized! Like — like having brothers and sisters or old schoolbuddies everywhere you go. I gratefully accepted a loan of $10 and the beer is chilling in our fridge right now.
I scrounged up 10 bucks and went to town this afternoon to repay her. No need to rush, she'd said, but I couldn't help thinking maybe I'd caused her to short her own cash supply! You never know. It does seem that everyone is using credit cards, because no one at the store yesterday was sure they'd have $10 cash to lend me. They all had to look into their wallets and see.
Lorna has left a new comment on your post "Life at Golden Grain Farm":
Peace in the kingdom is gorgeous!
These images inspired me to tack them up in the 'relationships' bagua of our house to represent me and Scott.
These images inspired me to tack them up in the 'relationships' bagua of our house to represent me and Scott.