Thursday, April 29, 2010

What XanderCuzz (13) and Everett (17) Get Up To

1) Meet Hoolio (shouldn't that be Julio?). Xander took this photo from atop Everett's shoulders.
2) Stirring cheese sauce and straining spaghetti for supper.

They wanted to play on the x-box and their noses were out of joint when I wouldn't let them.
"It's a school day," I said; but Everett had no homework, and thought that meant—
"Hell no," I told them. "Go find something else to do. Go outside and sneak around, smoking cigarettes and drinking beer, like we did when I was a teenager."
Amazingly, they didn't really complain, although they did try to reason me out of my unreasonable stance. After all, they had no homework.
Eventually they ended up dragging sticks through the gravel on the driveway. This entertained them for a long time and then they were so pleased with it they took pictures.


  1. There may be some artistic talent there!!! Too bad we can't see the face.

  2. I had to laugh over your post today. I sat back & thought about those days & just how much fun we had. To be that young again & nothing to worry about except about the plans for the weekend.

  3. Ha! So it DOES work to throw them outside! Well done, all of you!


  4. I had the exact same rule about video games at my house. They got talent. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. That gravel drawing is awesome!

    When Henry's two older boys (he was married prior to meeting me) used to spend weekends with us, that was ALL they wanted to do was stayed cooped up playing video games. It drove me nuts! They had bikes! They had skateboards! But god forbid they should go outside and use them.


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