Monday, August 9, 2010

Moms Should Wear Pants

Everett, walking behind me down the hall, says in an exasperated tone:
“Mom, why aren’t you wearing any pants?”

I inform him that I am wearing a bathing suit, thank you very much.


Another hot day, though we had thunder and rain last night and the power was out for several hours.

I'm working, so had best get back to it, during these hours of intense heat. Though Everett is out there now, pulling thistles that are as tall as he is from the back of the garden. He was having no part of getting up early to avoid the heat of the day; now he's paying. I spent an hour out there before the sun got up to full speed.

Next year, I am planting nothing that can't be weeded with my trusty stirrup hoe. To hell with hand-weeding half an acre of violas. Live and learn.


  1. AHA!
    The NO PANTS trend is catching on!

  2. I love stirrup hoes! A half acre weeded by hand would surely make me crazy...especially without pants!!!

  3. I'm exaggerating the size of the flower bed but damn, when weeding by hand it does seem like half an acre! Next year, those violas are going into pots instead.

  4. My garden is in very sad shape. Hasn't been weeded since god knows when. Its been wet rainy and humidy here too. No pants! Too funny.


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