Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chippendale Everett

He may wish to kill me (quite justifiably) when he sees I've put this one up, but it's so darn cute.


Check out webpages written by Canadians by clicking on either of the two Canadian Weblog Awards nominee buttons over on the side. I may move them around over the coming weeks while fiddling around with the template as I'm prone to do, but they'll be on the page somewhere. If you follow the link you should find a list of recent entries by nominated bloggers. Go, Canucks! Which is the closest thing to a sports cheer that will ever come out of my mouth.


Yep, he's standing over my shoulder right now, thinking up ways to end my life. I'm reminding him how much he loved that little bowtie and wore it with every outfit for a while. When I was going through old photos the other day, I found several where he was wearing it. He is reminding me that if you squeezed the bow, it squeaked. Also, he is mortified by all the comments that he looks like me.


  1. LOL, Adorable!! But, yes.. I bet he won't be pleased.. but that is a mom's perogotive!!

  2. Ah now if you couldn't mortify him on his 18th what would be the point to motherhood!

  3. Apparently I mortify the poor lad daily. I am the most annoying mother ever, he tells me: I don't finish my sentences. I sing all the time. I make him do stuff he doesn't want to. I make him stop doing stuff he does want to. The list is endless ....

  4. The picture reminds me of my nephew when he was young and pretending to be a tough weightlifter when he accidentally punched himself in the eye...and cried like a baby. Yup, it's always fun and games until someone puts an eye out.

  5. Just remind him that millions of women love the Chippendale dancers, and even Patrick Swayze dressed up as one on television.
    And I agree with you it is too darn cute not to post.

  6. I'll just say that it's only us old ladies who read my blog; surely that will put his mind at ease.

  7. It's a forgivable Mom's failing.

  8. Very sweet photo. Happy Birthday

  9. Hey! At least he had pants on! I've got one of my son where he's butt naked and I asked him where his 'peepee box' was...he'd bend over and point! lol

    I know...I know... 'peepee box' just popped out of my mouth one day and it stuck.

    (kate from NY)

  10. I've got a few compromising photos of my lad, too ... bwa ha ha ... both of them, when they were around a year old, got put into dresses ... they made sweet little girlies too. And there are more. Hm. Blackmail.

  11. Hey there Katie May - I can't keep up with your posts but this one sure drew my attention...gorgeous and he will surely kill you when he's old enough. On the mango recipe I'm told heavy cream is probably your nearest equivalent. Also I have tried all kinds of things but I my system still has you as "Life At Golden Grain Farm" can you let this techno midget know how I can have your blog viewing correctly on my blog. Ta!


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