Saturday, December 25, 2010

Good Time Had By All

Christmas Eve at Karen's (brother Cameron, moi, and Karen)

That's Emil's hand on Karen's back. He's giving her a rub and hasn't strayed from her side all evening.

Scott and I are up drinking coffee this morning and he's making breakfast and talking to his cousin Alex over in England. Everett's hanging out by the tree and I guess if Emil ever gets up we'll open some gifts before driving to Kelvington to spend some time with Grandma.

The weather turned warm here, hovering just below freezing. You could walk down the street yesterday, which Everett and I did while he shopped, without mitts on. It's a beautiful day.


  1. Merry christmas to all of you! :D

  2. The weather is very odd here as well. It's been really windy and quite warm, hovering around the zero mark...what's up with that? Snow has all melted and the gravel they use for ice on the road is now mud. Very strange weather for January!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Kate!

  3. Merry Christmas to all of you


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