Monday, March 5, 2012

Land and Sky

Scott spends part of his Sunday afternoon putting out bales

We enjoyed the most lovely drive home after having supper and a visit with friends about a half-hour from here. Usually I find the night drive long and am anxious about moose and deer stepping onto the road from the dark ditches. But last night the sky was so bright that you could see for miles. The fields and their blotches of dark bush were well lit. I love the views around here.

 It’s not the more obviously luxurious curves and contrasts of hills and valleys and rocks that one sees in other parts of the country, but a more gentle, unassuming expanse that you float upon with the feeling that you can freely go anywhere, do anything, be anyone. There’s an unlimited perspective that encourages the mind and spirit to go great distances, to open up somehow, to feel that anything is possible.

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