Monday, November 12, 2012

Moose Country

From the kitchen window I saw two adult and two young moose trot single file past that opening in the buildings. Cathy could hear me squeal all the way to Saskatoon! Actually I think I gave Emil a bit of a scare till he realized I was freaking-out thrilled and not freaking-out freaked out.


  1. I would be squealing too!!! In the summer I saw a deer close up and I totally screamed!!

    Look at all the snow you have. Did you get the storm I heard about in Manitoba and perhaps Saskatchewan?? I did think of you when I heard there was a storm. It was 16C here yesterday. Rain today though. :))

  2. Oh man, I'm forever chasing moose out of my yard. Damn things. I haven't had a beet in years, thanks to their piggishness. LOL!

  3. sometimes freaking-out is hard to chart. Fun, though!

  4. We didn't get a storm here, but lots of snow. Looks like winter, but through the dining room window this morning while sipping my second coffee I noticed that Scott, loading his half-ton with tools and ladder before heading off to fix the world, had his jacket open and bare hands. The cats and kittens are out in the yard playing. So it appears cold, but isn't. Probably barely below the freezing temp. I expect to enjoy walking today.

  5. Rox, I've only seen them crashing through the bush near the dugout behind the house once (cow and calf), and I see them sometimes while out walking, but not in the garden -- yet! Suppose it could still happen! Our dog would bark her head off but moose aren't afraid of dogs.

  6. Oh noooooo too much snow! Still waiting on it to arrive here. As for the moose, I'd be squealing too!


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