Sunday, February 10, 2013

Horseshoe Puzzle

First you must figure out how to get the ring off the horseshoes.

Grandpa B gave me this puzzle, which I keep in the livingroom to occupy the hands of our company.

My smartphone just whistled.

Are you calling me ee ee ee ee ee?

Then you have to figure out how to get the ring back on.

We are enjoying a lazy morning in our pyjamas. Scott is on the laptop in the livingroom, surfing for info about and pictures of martens and fishers. He's made two pots of coffee this morning and I've toasted my famous sunflower bread and served it buttered. And thus should Sunday mornings be.


  1. You are so right. Hope it was a wonderful Sunday

  2. OMG video of how you do it, please! That would drive me nuts.

    1. I can't figure out how to put it back together

  3. You line the two shoes up flat against each other, then slip the ring over one pair of ends and let it drop to the bottom (curve of the shoes), then "separate" the rings with a twist.


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