Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spite Houses

I'd never heard of such a thing! Leave it to The Nag to introduce me:

CLICK HERE to see 9 houses built for spite.

Meanwhile here at Golden Grain Farm I am moving slowly but otherwise comfortably after my back decided it had something of great import to tell me. It was going on strike.

I get a little behind on the dishes, and can't stand at the desk as much as I'd like, or get down the road for some cardio. Tried to walk on the weekend and thought myself fortunate not to have to crawl back home; turned around pretty damn quick.

But the afternoon sun quite often streams through the bedroom window and my back gives me the perfect reason to lie atop the quilt Mom and I made, and bask stretch those seized-up muscles.

There are a half-dozen deer coming daily to the yard now, and after dark they appear to play with the barncats. Just now - nearly 2 pm - there is a young deer, less than a year old, closely watching one of this spring's kittens that has run under a truck.

I had best tackle those dishes. It's the second time I've run dishwater for this round and then got onto something else while the water got cold.


  1. Spite houses are crazy! I could totally see myself building one! hahah!

  2. I looked at the Spite Houses yesterday at the Nag's. I'm still wishing I could move into the 8 foot one on the corner. Deer and kittens sounds too adorable to be real, not that I doubt you.

    Take good care of your back---backs have their own insidious ways of reminding us how time is flying.

  3. Oh the dreaded back backkick...What'd I ever do to you we say. Then have another little lie down.

    Hope we are both up and running and sunning soon.


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