Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Show Me the Money

A news story (click HERE) in  Saskatchewan contains a video recording of a bullying incident on a schoolbus.

It's suggested that the driver needed to manage the situation, in the first place.

Why is it up to the driver? In this case, it's because the driver was the only adult present. But why is that?

The driver should be watching the road, not supervising the passengers. These are two separate jobs. There needs to be a position for someone who makes sure all is calm in the seats, so the driver can focus.

The best drivers might actually tune out the noise and commotion, if any, while they are concentrated on the very important work in front of them.

Where would the money come from?
It would be a big program if implemented schoolwide, citywide, provincewide, nationally. Even with volunteers from among the parents, there would still have to be administration, criminal checks, and so on.
This is probably already being done in many places, whence one could turn for a model.

Why isn't it being done everywhere already?


  1. I agree with everything you have said Kate! I wouldn't drive a school bus for love nor money, the urge to respond to a victims terror would be too strong for me.

    1. I wouldn't either, Maggie. Such stress is not for me.

  2. As an old bus rider from the 1960s I have to say that I don't think that type behaviour would have been tolerated on the buses we rode. The driver would take command of the situation and everybody would behave "or else". Different times I know. Can't discipline the little angels nowadays or the driver is in trouble.

    1. To rely on a driver to keep order AND drive safely is akin to putting a daycare business on a bus, y'know? It doesn't seem smart.

    2. Catching up with you - I can't believe we're reading the same book at the same time. Thoroughly enjoying "the Devil you know" so very true of the Toronto I lived in at the time. And I totally agree on school bus drivers. I remember that movie about one slid off the ice in he snow. Can't remember the name but brilliant.

    3. The Sweet Hereafter?

  3. That's actually quite awful to listen to..... Can't imagine the need to be so cruel to others or having someone be that cruel to me either..... Makes me angry to see it..... I'm surprised the driver didn't pull over and get involved as they would have back in our day, and we would have listened ( I sound like a little old lady... " back in my day" , lol! Old enough I guess.

    1. I don't recall ever witnessing that kind of extreme bullying; it is hard to fathom why anyone does it. But then I look around the world -- murder, rape, beatings -- and realize it IS happening in many places on an even larger life-threatening scale. Scary and beyond me to understand.


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