Friday, June 26, 2015

The Rabbit that Lives in Our Yard

The day didn't start out too well. Migrainey, nauseated. Didn't get to the office till 11:30.

But on my way to the car, I saw the rabbit that's been eating our dandelions, and heaven knows we've got plenty of those and it's welcome to them.

Nibbling on a leaf for its midmorning snack.
At least it hasn't broken my heart yet by eating my flowers.


  1. You are a prodigious writer, seriously. and I love every word even if it is 9 blog osts to catch up. Oh my that railway station, I could move right in, it is enchanting. And Emil, beautiful young man and your letters to him so precious.

    Your flowers and bunny, I'll stop now.

    Refreshed I am.


    1. Coming from you, I am taking every word as extremely flattering. Thanks for such wonderful appreciation ... and encouragement!


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