Thursday, October 6, 2016

Walkin' on SlushShine, Oh Yeah!

On went my big-girl pants and out the door went I. The temperature wasn't so bad, hovering around the freezing point; it was the wind that was nasty. I was ready for it though, and warm enough to take a walk.

There's a lot of whining and crying going on around the countryside, but it's actually quite nice out if you're dressed for it.

Last night I watched a fascinating television program on the Knowledge network, called The Wartime Farm. During the Second World War, farmers in England were asked to double their production in order to feed the country. Knowing what I know — which is that farmers already aim for the highest possible production — this alone seems like an unachievable demand.

Farmers were also asked to train to be guerrilla/resistance fighters, and many did, in case the Nazis invaded British shores. That's something I'd never thought about, but it makes sense to be prepared to sabotage the enemy if they were able to move inland. When Churchill said the British would fight to the end and never, ever surrender, the English took him seriously — and good for them!

Very interesting show; I'll have to make sure Scott knows about it.
Check it out for yourself HERE.


  1. Yes, that is an excellent series and I've watched it more than once. Also Victorian Farm, Edwardian Farm, and I think Victorian Pharmacy. The same three people in most of them. Very informative and entertaining. A good way to take my mind off this miserable wet snow. :-(

  2. The Ruth Goodman series are all great, we have watched and enjoyed all we could find on youtube!

  3. No kidding, the snow is beautiful, and I always find it so, after the first shock and right up until the springtime browning. Since, sometime when I was in my 60s, I found that the ugly snowboots were actually warm, and the coats that made you look like someone out of Ghostbusters could actually stop wind and cold, I've been enjoying it even more. Every year, I say I'm going to buy snowpants, but when I get in MEC and try them on, I can't imagine ever being able to move in them, so I sneak out.


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