Monday, September 3, 2012

Long Weekend KaLUha

Ever since Cathy mentioned bringing back a texas-mickey-sized bottle of kahlua from the States, I've had a hankerin' for a Brown Cow. So in honour of Luanne's visit, I threw a batch of kahlua together (if you try it, cut the sugar in half, otherwise it's sickeningly sweet).

Then we only drank one each. However, it was a large one.

When Emil was at his dad's this summer, they went to a bookstore and Emil bought this:

And he likes to read a couple stories from it to all the girls.
Luanne had her turn:

How do you like that fine puffy quilt Shelly sent home with me? It took two large garbage bags to pack it. And it covers the couch perfectly.


  1. My girlfriend and I, back in the 70's, used to make our own Kahlua and Tia Maria and it was so so good. Those were the days. Haven't thought of it in years. These days a little Baileys is nice LOL.

    I love the colours in the quilt and it looks warm for those cold winter days ahead. Can't think of cold right now though as it is hot and humid here. Summer isn't quite over yet.

    Oh meant to mention I love your recipe box. I have a wooden one my grandmother gave me which I treasure.

    Enjoy your day :))))

  2. It was my mom's recipe box and she gave it to me many years ago, when she acquired something newer. I am the Hand-Me-Down Queen!

  3. I love hand-me-downs too especially if they have a history dear to my heart. ♥


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