Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mama B and Freight Train

Late afternoon walk

The plan was to take Emil and attend a concert in town tonight: Mama B and Freight Train. (See Shadow House Concerts on Facebook if you live around here). Alas, on Monday I awoke with a cold sore developing beneath my nose, and while it is a lesser lesion than I have had many times before, it remains "sore" (has its name for a reason) and leaves me hardpressed to ignore it and have a good time.

So, I waved my boys out the door and have been reading ... old journals from 1984 ... it seems some things never change ... which is somewhat embarrassing ... and a Deepak Chopra book read once before and not gotten around to a second time till now ... Ageless Body, Timeless Mind.

I've run out of library books, having finished the last one a week ago. Gone Girl kept me guessing right till the end. Not about whodunnit, but what was going to happen. Would there be another murder?

I need a good biography.

Thinking William Blake could be of interest.

On his deathbed he sang for several hours, otherworldly songs that he'd never sung before apparently. I want to know more about that.

Here's Mama B & Freight Train; this is what I'm missing, and so are you:

The audience at the Anglican church tonight will be listening, and quiet. I sent the camera with Scott and hope he'll take some video, if he's not too shy.

Lots of people can sing, but not all of us have a voice that compels listening. This lady sure does.


  1. Obviously the people at the Somewhere Else Café weren't listening! But doesn't she have a great voice?

  2. I've been flirting with buying Gone Girl for a while--just got pushed over the edge.

    Cold sore! ack! nothing so small should be so annoying

  3. Darn cold sores, just had a bout of that too! Painful and annoying. Hope you are on the mend. Sorry you missed the concert.

  4. Dear Stubble Jumpin' Gal.....
    Thank you for you kinda and profound words.
    Mama B and Freight Train are personal and dear friends of mine. I was there that evening, at the church, for their performance.
    I try not to be biased when I write and speak of them
    Reading your words.....I know I can say anything I want of them and it will be true and factual.
    I am so sorry that you had to miss the concert. It truly was a grand performance.
    The crowd was small and very appreciative.
    I met Emil and I remember him well. After the concert was done he came over and introduced himself to Mama B and Freight Train and told them how much he enjoyed their show and hoped they would return soon ! I knew , by his face during the show, that he was being frank. His face lit up so many time as the songs rolled on. It made my heart happy just watching him !!

    I hope they get asked to come again and that next time we will get to meet this very lovely lady.
    God Bless you each and every day.
    Joannie Dueck


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