Picked up Joan and my niece Jordan in Saskatoon last Thursday.
Some Canadian schoolkids cross the highway through Humboldt.
Got no photo of Joan and Jordan while they were here. What was I thinking?
Went to see niece Danielle in her Grade 12 graduation gown

The leaves are finally out and the horses are in search of green. It looks like summer, but it's not acting like it. We had a freeze several days ago; I lost my basil and peppers. Serves me right for putting them in the ground and not covering them (came home from Saskatoon sick on the day we drove Joan and Jordan to catch their plane, and wasn't up to going over there even though it was damn cold) but it was June already, we had heat, and I couldn't believe it would freeze again.

This kind of socializing is very common around here. Farmers have been in the fields, seeding, and are in a rush to get everywhere.
I've slept at Golden Grain Farm the last two nights, because I could (even though it is not comfortably warm in the house yet; I wear Mom's heavy green sweater) and because deer ate the tulips. So I take the old dog Casper with me, in hopes that she'll scare the deer off before they do more damage.
I had a reaction to a woodtick bite and am on antibiotics to head off an infection. Will never forget Joan squealing and jigging on Sunday afternoon, scared she had a tick on her -- and she did.
Had two flat tires and a fast leak on my van within two days. Fortunately there was someone there to change the tire both times I was driving, and the day Scott's brother discovered the leak he was in town with the van and able to get the tire patched right away. I've gotta get a new set of four tires ordered and shipped to town here.
That's about it for this update. I come over here to work at my desk on weekdays from 10 to 2:30 and then head back over to GG Farm to hoe and whatnot in the garden. I'm only gradually finding time to tidy up inside the house, which is covered with Scott's tools and construction materials throughout the kitchen and Emil's bedroom, where the fridge and stove are for now.
Local residents, I hope to see you in Margo on Sunday afternoon at the house concert: Alison Lickley and Sheena Grobb. It's at 3 p.m. and there will be signs around town. Bring your lawn chair. Call me for details.