What kind of goose is this? Click to enlarge |
Could it be one of those hybrids, a "new breed" resulting from Canada geese mating with snow geese? Everett and I spotted this loner in a slough next to the road on our way home from town one day.
Everett headed off to Edmonton with his Uncle Bum this morning, in the big semi. He loaded it up with game-playing machines and baking supplies he's been stockpiling for a year already so he'll have everything he could possibly need at his dad's, whose kitchen apparently lacks large cooking pots, cookie sheets, bread knives, a cutting board, and so on.
Oh— the reunion!
We got there later than we'd hoped, so only spent about five hours wandering around the rink (the ice is out for the summer of course), yapping and tipping back beers. I caught sight of quite a few longtime acquaintances that I meant to get over and chat with, and then on my way in their direction snagged up with other longtime acquaintances, and never reached my original destination — it was a gabfest, to be sure — so probably could have navigated the social network another five hours and still not greeted everyone. But we left for home before weariness overtook us instead of waiting till after dark and being tired on the drive. It was as well, because I swear I had a touch of a hangover this morning. And I only drank two beer. Friggin' lightweight.
I took the camera but was too busy blabbering to remember to take pictures. Fortunately Cousin Oscar hauled theirs out so I was reminded — but still only got a couple. Tsk. Shouldabin snapping away like crazy. Hope others got some good ones. If you did (Charlotte? Debbie? Cindy? Joanne? Tammy? not sure who's reading this, but if you have any pics to share, email 'em to me, would you? at katiekate AT gmail DOT com), I wouldn't mind putting some up on the page here. Surely some former Margonians who check out this webpage and weren't at the reunion would like to see them.
Well, I must
Do. Dishes.
Yeah, you heard me. Dishes.
No Everett. I will have to re-learn this heinously constant housekeeping task after a year's virtual hiatus.
And finish
Sweeping. The. Floor. Oh the humanity!
How will I ever manage? And I'll have to feed the dogs! And shovel their shit off the lawn! and feed the cats! and haul the grocery bags and water jugs into the house by myself!
Thank goodness I've got some time off from work while I get used to this new old reality.
Much Later (a thunderstorm sent me back from my medicine walk, only 10 minutes into it. Went out feeling brave, came in afraid I might just be stupid):
Check out this mystery in Saskatoon. Maybe you have some good ideas. Have you seen anything like this around the city where you live? Leave the Solitary Spinster a comment if you can help her figure this one out.
Click here.
And now to turn the computer off for its own safety. And go watch the storm from the back step.