Devon thought the view from the roof was worth a photo, so up he went. They'd finished shingling one side of the roof by 4 o'clock and were tearing shingles off the other side at 6 this morning. No complaints from me! I am thrilled that it's getting done.
I was less thrilled to see our electrician friend arrive with two of his workers and a digging machine, and start trenching from the power pole in the outer yard to the house. Thank goodness they're nowhere near my garden, which is mostly in the back yard.
Time to get back to work; it's the first chance I've had to sit down since breakfast this morning. Tomato sauce is bubbling away on top of the stove and hungry boys will be here in an hour. They'll be hot and sweaty and won't eat the half of what I make. But leftovers are always better, don't you think?