The big, warm (but not heavy!) parka came out yesterday, and
beautifully warm it was, too, in spite of the nasty wind and snow. I was going
to take my ski pants to Kathy Price on Main St. for sewing repair but the wind was so mean
I couldn’t make myself go outside till it was time to quit for the day.
Then, coming home, it was so icy in town that I nearly went off the road at least once. Even driving like a little old lady (not that speedy one from "past Wadena") didn't save me.
The quilt I started with Mom's help in 2004. |
Last night the wind howled so fiercely that several times I
was worried the roof might blow off. Ducky was worked up. His little toenails
were clip-clippitting over the floor much of the night as he paced.
It’s the same this morning. This feels like winter.
From my back step |