Getting my Little Old Granny groove on.
Me and one of my piggy friends meet for tea in the living room most afternoons.
One of the books I grabbed off the library mystery shelves is called All Dolled Up for Murder.
One of the characters is a "purse-dog trainer."
Who knew? Those teeny tiny dogs have to be taught to stay in their owners' purses.
I'm not sure whether to believe it or not. :)
Ducky arrived on Sunday. He is the lovingest little love-a-duck; he's made his tiny chihuahua self at home on Everett's bed and then when E gets up in the morning, Ducky clicks down the hallway and ... tries to jump onto my bed, slams against the mattress and falls to the floor. After I pick him up he snuggles up beside me till I roll on out. A frigging hairy dog-ass in my frigging bed ... I can hardly believe it myself, but it's Ducky. I can't help loving him and being a complete pushover.