Guilty of emptying the cookie jar, Everett and his after-school guest/cousin Xander try to look sweet.
The furniture in the living room is finally out of the boxes it came in, but now covered with blankets so that Little Lord Fountleroy won't leave his hair all over it. Of course, we could refuse to allow him on the furniture, but what fun would that be? He's on his winter vacation, after all, and deserves some doggie luxury.
Scott built a railing on the outside step this afternoon so I'll get cardboard boxes from town for serious packing and transfer Emil over here on the weekend. Aside from his clothes and things, the contents of my china cabinet can now be crated up, my books can start coming over, the rest of my kitchen stuff can come to its new home, framed pictures can go onto the walls; but no rush. All in good time. Why, it could take me two years ....
Our donation to disaster relief in Haiti will go by Canada Post to the Red Cross, Saskatchewan branch. Here's the address if you're in our fair province and want to mail a cheque:
Canadian Red Cross
Sask Office
Box 4740, Stn Main
Regina, SK
S4P 3Y4
For those who want to give online, my friend Jean has started a relief fund that you can contribute to, here. Jean says, "If you are still looking for a worthy organization for Haiti relief funds, Mercy Corps is a great choice. They have a reputation as an efficient organization with lots of experience."