The front of my nightshirt.
I am reduced to using the photo booth on my iMac to come up with an image for today. Still learning how to get pictures off the new camera. Long dull story I won't go into.
Yes I'm ready for bed, and that's where I should be, instead of sitting here reading onscreen.
Started The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald this morning. Looks promising.
Where does a girl have to go to find painted daisies around here? There were none at my favourite local greenhouse, so I drove an hour-and-a-half to the one where I bought painted daisies last year. (Not enough. I want more.) And they didn't have any. Where to, next?
Last year's painted daisies:

It was not a wasted trip by any means, as I met two girlyfriends for lunch and then came home with two trays full of bedding plants. The Flower Frenzy has begun.