Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Reading Virginia's Diaries Again

Dipping into the first Virginia Woolf diary takes me back to my earlier reading of it, in the large and bright master bedroom of the house we rented in Kelowna during Mom’s last months alive in 2005. I remember the painful clarity of the time, and the numbness or frozenness in the days following her death. 

On Tues5Jan1915, Virginia writes:
"I dislike the sight of women shopping. They take it so seriously."

Want to know something more about Virginia Woolf? I'll be posting snippets from her diaries along with my own on this page, and of course much has been written about her work and her life so information is easy to find. But I like this: http://flavorwire.com/143610/59-things-you-didnt-know-about-virginia-woolf?all=1