I was sitting here in the office when I heard a bird hit the living room window. Went out and found Casper standing looking at a female American goldfinch on the ground with her wings slightly spread. I picked her up, talked to her (she only blinked slowly as if struggling to keep her eyes open, and did not reply), and finally set her feet carefully on a short branch near the feeder in one of the oak trees. She just looked at me, dozily.

Keirsten the mother cat came over and I led her away. Then I came in and watched the tree through the binoculars.

The dazed finch sat in the crook between the branch and the tree for a very long time, eventually making her way further up the branch until her pale yellow and grey feathers could hardly be seen behind wavy green leaves. Maybe that is her mate at the feeder, wondering what the hell's wrong with his partner. After a half hour and probably longer, she finally flew off.
I had just been thinking that those suncatchers I spent 50 bucks on were working pretty well. And maybe they have improved things, but not well enough. Now what?