On the way to Shelly's the boys and I drive through Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. I make a point of calling it "Fart" Saskatchewan, for Emil's amusement.
He'll giggle and say, "Not Fart Saskatchewan. Fort Saskatchewan."
I'll reply, "That's what I said: Fart Saskatchewan."
He'll giggle again, and on it goes.
Dear Boychiks,
1. Got a couple strawberries from patch the day I arrived home, and every day since. Delicious! Merci to the weeder-man. Ate two with my granola this morning.
2. Chloe chewing and digging up flowers. Brat.
3. Met a kid from your math class, Everett. Shane Something? He got a recommend in it too.
4. Doing the turd tour. Casper left a nice pile right by the passenger door near the maple tree, for when I was unloading grocery bags. I need to believe she and Muttsky will figure it out eventually.
5. Doing the trash tour. Someone said buy chew toys and your puppy will learn to play with those and not your flowers, trees, etc. So I bought two today. A ball that holds water and a bone-ish thing with a treat in it. She was thrilled.
Another person advised me to tire the pup out by playing with her, walking with her, etc.
Thought I had more to say but can't think of it now.
Oh! I knew there was a reason I sat down to write. I ordered satellite internet today and we'll get it sometime in August. Woo hoo, eh?
We've got a light rain today so I am putting a batch of oatmeal bread together and washing my clothes next door (at the inlaws') and intend to get started my work a.s.a.p.