Thursday, August 27, 2009

Herb Harvest

Casper shortcuts through the garden.

When people ask if I'm gardening, I say "only flowers." Truth is, there are herbs to harvest. I'm bringing in feverfew, lemon verbena, oregano, basil, thyme, and mint. Also calendula, a flower that has reseeded itself since last fall, and yarrow and plantain, which grow wild.

They'll be used for medicinal teas and tinctures, and oils. All easily made.

That twenty-dollar dehydrator I bought at a garage sale in Kelowna earns its keep at this time of year, when I'm drying lots of things at once.


  1. What a beautiful garden. I'm growing a good crop of weeds this year.

  2. Lena, I've got plenty of weeds too! Can't keep up with them, to be honest. Just enough so that my flowers and herbs can thrive, but weeding is a constant. And I'm never ahead of the buggers.


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