Friday, April 13, 2012

Keepin' Dry & Warm

When you've just baked six loaves of bread and they're fresh out of the oven, tell me: why wouldn't you cut the crusts from both ends of the first loaf and slather them with butter? Especially if you're the baker; then you can get away with it.

Anyway, there's lots more.

Now that Everett's not home and Emil's only here on the weekends, a batch lasts several weeks.

That was yesterday morning.
Late this afternoon I made my weekly trip to town to pick Emil up and get groceries.
It's been raining all day so there's not much snow left, but the grid road is very mushy and slippery. I drove like a little old lady (not the one from "past Wadena," that no one can keep up with).
The train could be heard from our yard, which means that the weather is going to change.
Oh oh. Snow again?

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