Saturday, July 18, 2009


When I was at Shelly's I took pictures, as you've seen, around her house and yard. She wanted to take a few of her own. Her son Greg had hauled rocks and built a gorgeous rock garden/pond just off the back deck, and photos of that would be essential.

One of my great ideas was to get a legless photo so that it would look like there was a mermaid lounging on the rocks. Alas, no one's buying a mermaid wearing bluejeans and with short hair. Also, since I am always yapping or making faces (according to Shelly; who but good old friends will say these things to you and get away with it?), I rarely look half-decent in a photo. Thus you're seeing the back side of me.

Unfortunately the light wasn't right to do the rock garden justice, so this is all you get.

1 comment:

  1. hmm, I dunno, it still kinda works :) I love that 'old friend' line, it's very true and made me laugh because that's like something I could here directed at me too :D


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