Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Safely Through Whitehorse Rapids

The end of an arduous voyage during the Yukon gold rush

This photo is among my great-great Aunt Alma's collection, presumably from the time she was nursing up in the Yukon. People went north to make their fortunes, and often lost their lives on the way. It was a rough route whether by land or water and they were often woefully unprepared. This group no doubt had good reason to rejoice when they reached their destination.

In contrast two of my high school friends from the dormitory days of Luther College are making their leisurely way out from Regina this morning, only a two- or three-hour drive. The forecast was for snow and wind and cold(er) but so far the sky is clear and my fingers are crossed that the highway's not icy, so they'll be here safe and sound in time for lunch. I'm making one of my favourites, curried eggs with toast, and am searing pork chops to throw into a casserole dish with mushroom soup to bake for supper — easy, tasty, and out of the way so that I can relax and spend the day visiting.


  1. That is an amazing picture! Explorers have always been my heroes, and this is a good depiction of the romanticism with which I've always imagined them

  2. Lorna, if you haven't yet, read Pierre Berton's book, Klondike. Fascinating account of the gold rush years.

  3. That is a really cool photo. I love old photos that mark important historic events. This one has a lot of character and family meaning which makes it even cooler.

  4. Thank you for your compliment re: my blog. My cards set my intent for the day, sometimes it lasts sometimes it doesn't...

    All the best, Sharyn

  5. GREAT photo. Interesting time in our past. Thrilled to hear your gorgeous girls arrived safe and sound and that a good time was had by all!

    Have a wonderful night with your boys tonight. Happy New Year! xo


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